Teaching PhilosophyI learn with and from my students. I value teaching in diverse classrooms. We each bring our own perspectives, positionalities, and experiences, which shape how we understand the social world, and what we might learn from one another. I design my courses so as to capitalize upon this diversity, allowing students to develop confidence in their expertise, the ability to use sociological theory to analyze their experiences, and the ability to listen to and hear one another, even in the face of disagreement. Relatedly, I include perspectives from differently situated and embodied authors in each of my courses, which reflects my commitment to feminist standpoint theory and Black feminist thought. My goal is for students to be able think critically and structurally about social issues, but also to be able to able to locate their own power and ability to change systems of oppression.
Graduate Qualitative Methods Critical Discourse Analysis Sociology of Gender Sociology of Medicine Body & Society Undergraduate Introduction to Sociology (Honors & Regular) Social Theory Sociology of Gender Sociology of Medicine Social Movements Body & Society Technology & Society Culture, Emotion, and Identity Contemporary Social Problems Sociological Social Psychology Sociological Theories of Popular Culture If you want to view any of my syllabi, please email me at smirnovam AT umkc . edu |